Gen Y

My hubby & I were having breakie at Robert Harris this morning & whilst sipping my 'yummilicious' moccachino (chuckle...), an interesting article in a magazine caught my eye- it was about the Generation Y and all the flak they're getting for being so, erm, well, 'techie'... the point of argument are the pro's & con's of being a Gen Y baby. It was a well written article, i thought, because it showed how we are in fact, sometimes prejudiced in our assumptions. I must admit, despite my blogging ways, I am a conservative by heart & I' believe in balance. But anyway, that's another topic, so back to where we left off...

Although, the Y generation grew up amidst the hustle & bustle of new technology, 'old schooler's' think that they lack the creativity, socialisation & interaction skills older generations use to have- well, surprisingly current research reveals this to be untrue !
Gen Y were called the 'brainiacs' amongst all the generations: their Reaction Times (RT) are quicker than the rest of us & for obvious reasons too I guess & lemme' tell you- honestly, i find this to be quite comical because spending 24/7 texting & clicking on computer keyboards, ipods, Xbox'es & PS's ? i'd bet a million, that indeed it will hone anybody's reaction abilities (chuckle...).
Hmm, what else? the author, i blimmin' forgot his name- also mentioned how Gen Y's are exceptionally good in multi-tasking, and that they are a highly creative bunch, particularly in design & well, aesthetics.
BUT of course, cynics come into the scene (perhaps uninvited, ha,ha...) & ruin their party by saying that Gen Y's are reduced to nothing if you stripped them of all their techie gadgetry and thingamajigga's...adding, that well, they'll all end up blankly staring at walls with twitching eyes & fingers (chuckle...).

Oh no, is he describing me? (gasp!)...he,he,he.

Well, it was an informative article & i suppose, the world and its ways is just continually evolving, both for the better & the worse. All generations do, for that matter...and technology as we all know is a double edged sword. It's knowing who you are, that's imporatnt and not letting anybody put you in a box, packaged & labelled away, the way they want to, gen Y or not.