
'Sticks & stones may hurt my bones but words can never hurt me'

Yup, I admit that I am quite skeptic about that age old saying, simply because I don't believe it. Perhaps, that quotation came out from a defensive point of view. Words, aren't they funny? people use them in all sorts of ways- to woo, to hurt, to heal, to destroy...
They are powerful tools indeed and I often remind my children- to not use certain words lightly or even in jest because they are like seeds. They take root and bear fruit and it's either good or bad. I think it's important to stir an awareness for something as ordinary as the use of words. I take it seriously, to me it isn't trivial- stereotyping, labelling people is not at all innocent.

Because unfortunately, not all people are sensitive to this truth and they are either ignorant of what they do or they know but just don't care. Words to them are just literally 'words'- you just have to er, well, swallow what they say even if it leaves a bitter aftertaste (chuckle...).
Reminds me of someone I know- she just lashes out at people and it really came to a point where her behaviour was quite damaging, words are like poison ! then again I thought- what made her like that? I realized she has this hidden anger inside. Still, it is not an excuse, she needs to sort it out I think.

All I'm saying is - some people are too dense to realize the effects of their words on others whilst some innocently succumb to freudian slips. There are people who are naturally tactless and they've picked up the habit of 'speaking before thinking'. I should know cause I lived with the whole Freudian gang for a good 11 years of my life (pfft !). I admit my tongue gets slippery every now and again, we all do I suppose, BUT I am doing better, much, much better.

I guess that is how political correctness evolved anyway (and like most other things has now gone overboard too), it's a sort of social control to minimise conflict...but that's another story. That is why I am totally against labelling, we have this habit of putting people in a box and making assumptions straightaway, it's sad I reckon. My ears perk up (including my blood pressure, he,he,he) whenever I hear people make asssumptions about so and so, convincing themselves and others that their opinion is truth.
Thing is, truth consists of the whole picture, and there are things we don't know about. We don't know it all, we possibly can't. I'd like to think the world would be a better place if we are gracious to one another and we can achieve this by setting a good example to those around us. Living out the virtues and values of life?
You'd probably agree with me when I say we need to practice what we preach. It's so worth a try :)